On this page, you will find my time and date specific offerings -- my free facilitation play sessions, workshops, coaching groups, and other things that happen at a particular date and time and are open to anyone who wants to sign up.
Join Me for My Free, Monthly
Meeting Facilitation Play Sessions
I love thinking with people about how to design and facilitate meetings so they are engaging, useful, efficient and effective. So...
I offer a monthly Meeting Facilitation Play Session on Zoom
on the 2nd Friday of each month from 1:00 to 2:00 Pacific Time.
Drop in any month and get your questions answered
about tools and approaches to:
Agenda design
Increasing useful engagement
Effective decision-making
Capturing action items and supporting follow-through
Dealing with difficult meeting behaviors
...and whatever other facilitation questions are up for you that day!
Please subscribe to my eNewsletter/blog
to receive the invitation and link each month.
I hope to see you there!
Upcoming Workshops and Groups
Image of bush with orange berries, and tree trunk, in fog
Upcoming, public workshops will be listed below.
The overview of what I offer in the arena of training and workshops can be found on the Training page under Organizations, and the Coaching-Based Workshops page under Coaching (the latter for workshops and groups designed for individuals).
Upcoming Coaching and Affinity Groups offered will be listed below the workshops section.
If you would like to sign up to receive notifications of upcoming workshops, or groups you can do so on the form at the bottom of the page.
Image of Tasha, gesturing to a wall sheet showing the Ladder of Inference.
“This workshop has changed how I think about my life”
On-Going Offering:
My free, 2nd Friday of the Month Meeting Facilitation Play Sessions.
Through Portland Community College:
(See below for registration info)
I do workshops fairly regularly through PCC's continuing education division. These are offered online using Zoom and, usually, Mural (one of my favorite tools). When we are using Mural, you will need a computer, rather than a phone, to participate.
I will be teaching again in the winter term. More info will show up here as it becomes available :-)
Preregistration is required for PCC workshops, and can be done through the PCC website at:
Want a taste of what a workshop with me is like?
You can listen to podcasts of the one-hour workshops I have offered as part of the Multnomah County Library's Lunch and Learn series:
Questions? Requests?
If you have questions about workshops, or if you want to host a workshop or be put on a waiting list for when a workshop forms, please contact me.
Groups Offered
I offer coaching groups, affinity groups, and sometimes other cohort-focused processes. Any upcoming offerings will be listed below.
If you have questions, are interested in having me create a group for you and people you know, or make a guest appearance at an existing group, please reach out.
There are no coaching groups currently scheduled. If you want to be notified when one forms, please sign up for my email list.