Coaching Groups
Linking people in a network of mutual support is a tried and true method for helping people achieve important goals and move through transitions, and coaching groups are a great way to get those benefits plus learn and practice many new tools and approaches to creating change. Coaching groups are also less expensive than individual coaching, and I offer a discount on individual coaching sessions to people currently in a coaching group.
I offer coaching groups, make guest appearances at existing groups, and am open to facilitating new groups you are creating.
Coaching groups currently offered will be listed in the Groups section on the Offerings page.
If you are interested in hearing about new coaching groups as they are forming, please sign up on the form on the Offerings page.
Guest Appearances at Your Support or Networking Group
If you are already part of some kind of support or networking group, I am available to do mini-workshops, either as part of one of your regular meetings, or separately, on a wide variety of topics. Reach out and we can talk about what would support your needs.
If you are creating a new group and would like me to facilitate I'd love to talk with you about that.
What People Say About Working with Me
in Groups and Workshops
Emotional, rewarding and life changing"
~ WS participant
"The group was inspiring, stimulating,
helped me shift out of negativity toward optimistic ideas.
I love your style - welcoming, supportive."
~ Nancy Werneke
"Very helpful in learning new ways to see and think about things"
"I now have LOTS of tools to help me
make shifts in my life that I've wanted."
~ Christina Barry-Simmons
"This workshop has changed
how I think about my life"
~ WS participant
As with all of the facilitative "coaching" work I do, my coaching groups are rooted in my belief that you are the source of the answers to the big questions you are asking; my role is to create a container where you can dig for those answers, and support you with questions, reflections, exercises, and tools as you reach for clarity.
My coaching groups are usually built around themes, or focused on people doing a particular kind of work. The folks I mostly work with in groups are:
People in major transitions, whether those arise from external forces, or internal ones.
People who are asking deep questions about who they are, or who they want to become, and who are feeling overwhelmed, uncertain, frustrated, or just confused about how to answer those questions and move forward.
People who are struggling in their relationship with each other, feeling like they are not communicating well, not feeling understood, wondering if they can - or want to - stay in the relationship, or just wanting it to feel healthier.
Other white folks who want to learn about and heal around white supremacy so we can better recognize and deconstruct white privilege and be better anti-racist co-conspirators for BIPOC, as well as folks who want support identifying the other ways that our identities shape our experience, and to find ways to deconstruct the harmful stories often attached to them.
I welcome people of all gender/sexual identity combinations.
My approach to this work is informed by my own somatic (body-based) practices, my study of the neurology of trauma and healing, and an analysis of the ways our cultures, families and identities shapes our experiences and responses.
You will find more about my training and experience in the About section