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Tasha gesturing to an illustration of the Ladder of Inference on a wall sheet
Image of Tasha gesturing to an illustration of the Ladder of Inference on a wall sheet

Training is most useful for capacity building when it is:

  • Highly interactive, so people don't just get introduced to tools, they get to figure out how they might apply in their group, and practice what they learn so they are ready to use and teach them


  • Focused on practical tools that are easy to learn, remember, teach and apply, and that are easily adapted to fit particular needs


  • Taught using real life problems and goals that the group has right now


I provide training in a wide variety of skill areas, including communication and navigating conflict, effective decision-making, meeting facilitation, building mutual respect and trust, creative collaboration, and more.


I do this work with many different kinds of groups and teams, including nonprofit and for-profit organizations, government agencies, coalitions, volunteer groups, and intentional/ cohousing communities.





Want a Sample?

Listen to a 1 hour version of my Moving from Complaints to
Collaboration workshop
at the
Library's Lunch and learn series.


Any public workshops I am offering will be listed on the Offerings page.


You can also join my free, Meeting Facilitation Play Sessions on the
2nd Friday of each month at 1:00 via Zoom. To get the invitation and

link each month, please subscribe to my eNewsletter/blog.

You will find more about my training and experience in the About section.

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From Training Evaluations

"A very different way of viewing and dealing with difficulties.  It was rewarding and had very good results."

“It was fun and you gave me tools I can use every day”

"Exceeded my expectations"

"Very helpful in learning new ways to see and think about things”

"(provided) new paths toward solutions -- clearing away the clutter"

"Well organized, fun and energizing; very helpful."

"Great investment of my time"

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